Short hair girls are DOPE!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hi all,
Some updates-
My monitor is spoil that why i cant online and updates
My ITESC Basketball season has ended,First three match,I believe we did not do our best.Until the last match then we seriously fought our guts off. A few dumb stuff happen for me this competion , 53 seconds! haha. I believe alot people saw it! Even clement's classmates ask about it. WTH! The idiot jie hui and kellie keep disturbing me about it. First time 5 fouls send off for me. haha. All the best for the guys and girls for the finals on Monday! A boys CE team1, B boys team CE and Ce girls team 1!Lets sweep all the number 1 home! HOHO!


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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cant take the pain my ankle! Pop some painkillers , it didn't help.

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Hey All. Just had my first ever School team Basketball match. Vs Ce team 1. ALA. Got the whacking of my life. i think their score was 89 our was like only... 37? =X I freaking feel so depress during the match i try my best not to show it out. I know if i show a face my team mates will know it. I trying my very best to play well be a good Point guard/captain , but it seems that it Ce team 1 is way too strong for me. I had butterfly in my tummy since the night before. I never had such feelings before. It felt awful the WHOLE night. It's seems that this post is going to be filled with ranting. It's my first ever time be a main 5 , point guard , captain. Although we all know team 1 surely will win us , but i wanna at least have a fight with them before going down but we cant even put up an decent defense or offense against the team 1. I know i miss pass alot ball ,straight 3 balls out of range. Usually training all these balls seems no problem but during match.SIGH. I bet we look like clowns man, kana whack by the team 1.
Next match vs College west , I going to give it all i got no matter what even it going to cost my injury to be worsen.
My Target for now win both team of the college central.
"!v3rs0n , don't chu pattern , next time . Dont wear till so many things . you not pai seh i will de!"
How i wish i cna say that to him,but aiya must consider his feelings if not he go home cry how? haha
One happy thing at least i manage to steal of the char siew bao's ball =)
Congrats to clement chia for breaking in his egg in 5 vs 5 competion!


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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Down with fever since morning and till afternoon after pulping down tons of water and taking the awful medicine.i recover!HOHO! I think is due to lack of rest and sleep.

I must over come CHAR SIEW BAO!

Countdown-6 days

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Today had a light training jog abit then lay ups ,etc...After today's training i think i can confirm i sure team 2. Actually now i don't mind no win. As long i performs well. I am happy enough. I must overcome that char siew bao !Cause first match is CE 1 vs CE 2. Highly chance that he will play PG and i am a PG too. Surely will encounter with him.Stupid char siew bao , know my moves and he so big size so hard to cut pass him!
If today training was a tough one. i guess my legs would run home themselves .too tired .MY leg are darn tight now!

I must overcome full court press too!When training. Full court press proves too much for me, I am like a ant on a hot pan sia. Running around like a dog.Got to buck up! I shall overcome the char siew bao!


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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Time Table for this Sem. 4 Brand Modules. Fundamentals of Fitness (FOF)
,First Aid Course (FAC), Business Communication (BCM) And Entruernship .Lousy and Nonsense Timetable sia. Monday and Tuesday 8am to 5pm ,Wednesday 8am to 6PM!!! WTH!! Thursday 8 to 5 then Friday 9 am to 1 pm. It like worse than last sem's timetable .Whole lot worse!
Don't know which Donkey plan our timetable. KNS! Out of the 3 day 8 to 5, only one day which is tuesday ,2 break.The first week has barely start i feel freaking shag after looking at our timetable.
After this first sem , I can see that our class P.A is very competitive , Why? Based on the result from our first sem.I think there about 10 four pointers , five-seven 3.5 and above and about eight 3.0 and above.I got 2.647! I am a NBL! NATURAL BORN LOSER SIA!It counted lousy in my class. I have calculated for this sem i have to count at least a 3.5 to pull my average gpa to about 3.2. Thsi sem is more on practical work. Presentation ..etc... I think i should have no problem.If i can wake up on time for the morning lesson, i guess everything will be smooth sailing for me.
Next Wednesday which is the 22nd hail the start of ITESC Basketball. First match will be CE 1 Vs CE 2. Funny right? Team 1 vs Team 2. I guess i should be in team 2 .Hope if i play in team 2 i will get more playing time.=)
Shall hit the sack now. Freaking tiring timetable. I guess my timetable can fight with RP already! Ciao peeps!

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I am A Tortoise, I Shall Win The Race At The End.


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Friday, October 10, 2008

Poor Cat.

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!@#$%^&*()+_ I didn't get called up for the friendly match. I was kind of waiting for it since yesterday. Was Feeling duper sad when i know i wasn't called up.ARGH.
I felt that it a was very demoralizing!

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

I went swimming with chu xiang and soon hwa today. I seriously need to swim more to cut down my body fats. I suppose swimming helps! Okay , Something about yesterday.Had CSC basketball match at Delta indoor sports hall. We play against Chong pang CSC. They are also kown as chong ghee.The team is from the A division.I think it a experience to play with them. Most of the players are working class people, I managed to score 9 points =) I never have chance to make it a double digit . Never mind. Oh ya. I did something dammm classic! I think whoever was there who saw it , They will remember it for awhile!
I had a 3 points jump shot but the opp player came to block me so i try to dodge it by pumping in the ball but my posture is like the leg all over the way, Very ugly and unglam. Then the ball hit the hoop then go all the way to the top side of the board then bounce thrice then drop into the hoop! TYCO right?! I everytime score this thing of wierd balls. Last year score an unexpected Buzzer Beater. This year this ball! My team mates were all laughing when i scored the ball. LOL . The other 6 points were fast break lay up. One is foul in but i miss the freaking free-throw, I guess i need more free throw practice! I don't wanna miss any in the ITESC. I felt that we play better in this match than the first match. Too bad ! Our team were alot stronger than last year, Just that the lot that we drew were too strong! Forget to take any pictures. I shall take some during itesc!
13 More days to ITESC.
Tomorrow maybe having friendly at NYP, Not sure whether if i will be select, haven received any sms or call from coach. Felt like you know soccer player waiting for a phone call from the coach to inform them if they are called up to the national team. Like the same sia.Hope i will be selected sure will be a good experience for me.
Shall go have a nap now. Didn't have a good sleep last night. BB.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gay Shit, At the height os 191cm still run so fast!

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


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Monday, October 6, 2008

1. The person who tagged:
Sharon Ng Jia Hui. ( Am i Right?)

2. Your relationship with him/her is:

3. Your five impressions on him/her:
Evil at times.Nice at times(Rarely)lol

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
Nothing! SEE! EVIL!

5. The most memorable thing that he/she had said to you:

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
No Comments.Once was la.LOL

7. If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
Hard to be enemy

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
I Don't Know

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
She don't be so evil.

11. Your overall impression of him/her:
Evil Bowler with

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you:
Lame shit?!Dirty la. FIrst thing that whoever see this question.KNS!

13. The characters you love of yourself are:
Friendly! Sociable !

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself are:
Too Into sports.Too crazy!

15. The most ideal you want to be is:
Taller, Slimer, Faster!

16. For people who cares and likes you, say something to them:
Thanks. You know i love you all.

17. Pass this quiz to 10 person you wish to know how they feel about you:
Seriously i don't know who see my blog, just any name that pop up in my mind,i just type down.
1.Liang zhi
2.zhao Lun
4.Rachel Goh
5.Rachel Chua

18. Who is No.6 having relationship with?
IDK(Learn From Her)

19. Is No.9 a male or female?

20. If No.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
9 will kill 7.9 will break her ankles.

22. What is No.2 studying about?
Design stuff at NYP.

23. When is the last time you had a chat with No.3?
Just now.

24. What kind of music band does No.8 like?
Any nice music, i think.But i Know she love the banging of Mahjong tiles!

25. Does No.1 have any siblings?
Yes, A elder brother

26. Will you woo No.3?
KNS, Dumb question

27. How about No.7?
WHat about 7?

28. Is No.4 single?
Think so. But so many people woo

29. What is the surname of No.5?
KNS, Dumb question. I just put that R.chua what.

30. What's the hobby for No.4?
Scooping ice cream, Touch rugby.

31. Does No.5 and 9 get along well?
I Don't Think They Know Each Other

32. Where is No.2 studying at?

33. Talk something casual about No.1:
Cool friend, A bloody asshole.LOL

34. Have you tried developing feelings for No.8?
Wa.Sensitive Question.Cannot answer.

35. Where does No.9 live at?

36. What colour does No.3 likes?

37. Are No.5 and 1 best friends?
They don't know each other

38. Does No.1 have any pets?

39. Is No.7 the sexiest person in the world?
WA! She Darn Sexy sia.

40. What is No.10 doing now?
IDK, I ask the bf, oh ya the bf reply.she sleeping

I'm finally done with the quiz.
Hey friends, must do okay. Hee.
I'm too bored that why do this quiz.

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三井壽.Hisashi Mitsui. 14.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Super Touching show and Song. This is the first movie that made me cry. "I Believe" Korean Version is so much nicer than the Other version.

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ROADTO14. Photobucket